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It is with great pleasure that we are able to notify the villages that the Hemingfords' Regatta will be back on the social calendar on Saturday July 9th this year. For newcomers to the village, the Regatta provides an amazing opportunity to make the most of living in a village on the banks of the Great Ouse, meeting other residents, rowing and punting, enjoying a picnic on the riverbank and a full day of activity followed by an evening event with live music, a BBQ and bar to enjoy as you watch the sun go down over the river

Regatta 2022 Entry Form

Hemingfords' Regatta

Saturday 9th July 2022

Shared by Hemingford Grey and Hemingford Abbots, the Hemingfords’ Regatta is the oldest village rowing regatta in the country.

The Regatta is held on the River Great Ouse and comprises a day of racing in double and single coxed pleasure rowing boats, canoes and punts. The entry is largely restricted to residents of both villages, and there are races for children (including those attending Hemingford Grey Primary School), adults and veterans.


For five weeks prior to the Regatta, the rowing boats which are owned by the Regatta are available each evening for practice and training. Children are given the opportunity to learn how to row and cox.

Practice Evenings

From Monday 6th June 2022

Practice takes place on weekdays in the five weeks preceding Regatta Day. Anyone who qualifies to race or cox can have a go for free, with experienced rowers on hand to offer encouragement and advice.


Practice evenings operate on a first-come, first-served basis and are held on the river beside the path at the end of Hemingford Grey High Street.


Consent forms must be signed by parents/ guardians of U18s before they will be allowed on the river.



Monday 6th to Thursday 9th June

6:30 - 9pm: All novice rowers and coxes only


Monday 13th to Friday 17th & Monday 20th to Friday 24th June

6:30 - 7:45pm: Children and under 14s only

7:45 - 9pm: Adults and over 14 year olds have priority


Monday 27th June to Friday1st July & Monday 4th to Thurs 7th July

6:30 - 7:45pm: Children and under 14s only - race entrants only

7:45 - 9pm: Adults and over 14 year olds have priority - race entrants only


Become a Patron

Become a Patron of the Regatta
(minimum £10 donation)


We are always grateful to our Patrons for their support and donations over the years. The money raised enables us to maintain our boats and oars and cover our Regatta day expenses.

Gift Aid: Hemingfords' Regatta is an H M Revenue & Customs approved Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) which, like charities, can claim Gift Aid. You must be a taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. You can cancel this declaration at any time by informing Hemingfords’ Regatta. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief on your tax return. If you are unsure whether your donation qualifies for Gift Aid tax relief please contact Bill Lewis on 01480 492036


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